Lead-Based Paint: Identification & Remediation
You love the character of older homes in the University area of Missoula. There is a home on the market that you want to own but wonder, will this home be safe for me? Does it contain lead-based paint?
Seller’s Market Continues – Will it ever shift?
It has been a fast-paced couple of years in the real estate market. Plenty of demand and limited supply created one of the strongest seller's markets seen in decades.
Tracking Radon After Mitigation
Radon testing services are common components of a modern real estate transaction...
Building Orientation for Optimum Energy
Building orientation is the practice of facing a building so…
Advantages of Seller Pre-Inspections
Seller inspections (sometimes referred to as pre-listing inspections) are…
Up in smoke – Methamphetamine & Real Estate
The manufacture and use of methamphetamine have been going on in MT for...
Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon
The EPA recommends:
If you are buying a home or selling…
Asbestos In The Home: Complete Guide
What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a mineral fiber that can be positively…
10 Easy Ways to Save Money & Energy In Your Home
Most people don’t know how easy it is to make their homes run…